Rudolph RA-10 Altviool Set Garnituur

Altviool outfit, in verschillende afmetingen, licht gearceerde olielak, gevlamd esdoorn, koffer, ... € 665,00 lees meer »

Rudolph Contrabas 1/2 RB-612-G

Contrabass 1/2, Massieve top, spirit vernis, ebony fingerboard, gamba model ook in 1/4 mo... € 1 925,00 lees meer »

Rudolph Contrabas 3/4 RB-634-G

contrabas 3/4, massief bovenblad, spirituslak, ebben toets, gambamodel Rudolph contrabassen st... € 1 950,00 lees meer »

Rudolph Altviool RA-10 outfit

Altviool outfit, licht gearceerde olielak, gevlamd esdoorn, koffer en strijkstok De Rudolph RA... € 495,00 lees meer »

Rudolph RV-800 Étude viool set

viool set , antieke spiritus lak, gevlamd esdoorn, ebben toebehoren, incl. koffer en strijkstok. ... € 395,00 lees meer »

Rudolph Cello 4/4 massief RC-2044-EU

cello 4/4, all solid, oil varnish with light brown finish, European woods

The RC-20 cello from Rudolph is recognised as an incredible instrument for its value.
The hand work combine with the hand applied oil varnish allows This Rudolph cello to have a nice antique look in 3 different lines: amber, dark brown on a golden yellow grounding or European woods.

It is made of traditional materials like:
- Spruce for the top
- Flamed maple for the back, sides and neck
- Ebony for the fingerboard and pegs

The RC-2044-EU cello is a powerfull, well balanced cello ideal for ambitious students and serious players.
The European woods, having a higher density, give that slightly brighter, more direct and more powerfull tone without loosing the rich warm tone typical from the RC-20 cellos.

The ebony pegs and fingerboard allows a regular and easy maintenance by a professional.

It has a finetuners tailpiece made of light weight synthetic materials. The endpin rode is made of solid carbon to keep the instrument as light as possible.
It is finished with a antique style brown oil varnish.
Strings are not included.

€ 1 795,00

Onze prijs:
€ 1 475,00
Direct Leverbaar